Thursday, October 4, 2007


Hello Folks!
So life is pretty calm here these days. For everyone's information, although the test came back negative, i still probably had the mumps. luckily, for those of you too young to have ever come in contact with the disease, it only lasts a week so i was up and running by the time work started.
i have no real news to report except we are expected a new group of trainees next wed which is kind of exciting for those of us here that are new. Soon we won't be the greenest Americans in country. except that we are still relatively clueless as regards many aspects of living in Samoa. Give us time though. i'm sure we'll learn.
in a week and a half is white sunday. a day devoted to the children of samoa. i'm going to be visiting one of my friends in her village so i'll update you on that soon. Fa!


Advice Columnist said...

Hi Erin,

I am anxious to hear more about the Children's Day. Your elementary class in Germany received the traditional clothes. Lydia (teacher) could not be more excited. You picked a wonderful class to sponsor. They are having fun. They will be building a Samoan village soon. Love, Mom

Uncle Bruce said...

Hi Erin! I just lost my last entry to your blog. I had to set up a new account and lost everything that i just typed! Oh well! That means that it has been far too long since I last checked in. I have been catching up by reading your blog. I really enjoyed the pictures! It sounds like you are doing well. No surprise. You are truly special! Things are well here. We are at the end of the regular high school foolball season, but Bruce's team is undefeated. That means we are going to the playoffs and that means we are going to have high school football until NOV 90th!!! Can you tell that I am ready for the season to end? Aunt jackie sends her love and will be writing soon. Take care and let us know if you need anything. Love, Uncle Bruce