Monday, October 22, 2007

Class Presentation

Well, I promised a blog on the phenomenon of White Sunday but first I wanted to show off these pictures of me directing an activity during a presentation to a Year 12 class. The presentation was on the Community Based Fisheries Management Plan system, which is my office’s main focus. Because I had never dealt with a big class of Samoan Secondary students (actually, I don’t think I’ve ever dealt with a big class of seniors anywhere) I opted not to give the whole presentation, but I helped my counterpart with a small part of it. What I learned is that it is hard to get kids to talk in class. Classes in Year 9 and above are conducted in English, so that was not the barrier and next time maybe I’ll try my hand at the whole thing. I’ll post on White Sunday in the next few days. Haha, actually this presentation took place a little over a month ago so let’s hope i’m more prompt with the next one. Anyway, here are the pictures.

Me talking to the kids and trying really, really hard to get ANYONE to answer my question. Also note my killer farmers tan, I’ve been working hard on that.

This is Ferron, one of my counterparts, and the person who actually gave the presentation.

This is Tala, my other counterpart, giving a different presentation to the mass of kids. It was so hot in that room!!


Editor in Chief said...

Maybe you should leave teaching high schoolers to the professionals. Though, by the looks on the students' faces, I'd say they were bored out of their minds. That's just what my students looked like. Maybe your doing a good job after all.

Keep up the good work.

Editor in Chief said...

Of course, I meant "you're" instead of "your" in the above post. Um. That was a test.

And let that be a lesson to you.

Carry on.

Unknown said...


I new that was you're Dads comment as soon as I started reding it. He is such a smart mule. But since hes you're Dad I conjecture you hafta listen to him.

Going good kid--keep up the good work.

Aunt Joanne